stand in the subway station like a statue holding up the magazines.
Yes, it is hardly disaster response, is it?
Of course, if this world is not really in imminent danger of destruction after all, then it hardly matters!
the "preaching work" they're so eager to brag about is just laughable.
they say their number is an indication of god's blessing.
oh, please, give me a break!
stand in the subway station like a statue holding up the magazines.
Yes, it is hardly disaster response, is it?
Of course, if this world is not really in imminent danger of destruction after all, then it hardly matters!
hey guys,.
so, since my leaving i have been doing so much research on so many topics that it's been extremely enlightening.
not only have i learned a lot about the organization and what motivates it, but i have also learned a lot about the bible, god and most importantly, myself.. currently, i'm not quite sure where i stand, but i'm having some real issues with the bible and god.
The term "religioned out " best describes my position since leaving that lot 20 years ago.
so do you feel bad throwing away your old literature?.
what about your old song book or bible from your early days in the org?.
if so, is it because of sentimentality, monetary cost or because it might be 'sacred' ?.
Quite the contrary - it game me a feeling of great satisfaction to deal with the lot by using a box of matches and several litres of kerosene!
check this out.
got this bound volume from my dad.. .
I remember that one very well:
-it is the main reason that I am just now (a week after my 60th birthday) completing studies towards an Advanced Diploma.
&$%# the lot of them and their damnfool ideas!
what have you done so far as to convince them they are misled?
what has worked for you.. it is inconceivable to me, that if my mother or father showed me proof of why the wt org is false, that i wouldn't take them seriously, after all they are older and should know better, but it seems there are some of you who have the opposite outcome, where your children think you are misled and senile, and grandparents are surely labeled as senile.
one would reason then, if this were truly the case, that you are 'senile' or demented, then wouldn't that be taken into consideration when having loving contact with your parents?
I suspect that my two daughters still regard me as misled - but not quite as misled as they once thought I was. The elder one never did adhere to the WTS's more extreme demands about shunning, while in more recent times, the younger of my two daughters has also shown herself to no longer be bound by such extremism. Both my wife and I still entertain hopes that the penny will finally drop!
this topic has been on my mind lately.
i have been looking around at jws and wondering how many truly believe the end is as near as they are told.
from my personal experience, i know that my parents fully believe the end is imminent and may come any time now.
There are those, perhaps the majority, who hang on to "The Truth" more as an insurance policy than anything else:
- just in case that Group of 7 Madmen in New York have got it right after all.
Otherwise, they plan for the long haul "In This System".
Certainly, my daughter and son in law (both in their mid-thirties) are talking retirement and pensions - whereas myself at the same age would have still subscribed to the idea "waste of time, that (elusive!) New System is going to be here before then."
was reading a poster's experience with custody, and the info in wts child custody packet.. children are prepped to present themselves as normal, with school friendships, hobbies, activities, etc.
and not to mention that their life-goal is to pioneer.. the school brochure (1983) contains this gem:.
"they [witness families] also travel several times each year to attend larger gatherings called circuit assemblies and district conventions.
My father was under strong pressure from his newly-converted JW mother to bring us kids up " In the Truth". Luckily for myself and my two sisters, he resisted that. JW children having a "normal" childhood? As much chance of that as the existence of Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and Unicorns!
one time, i heard a father in a meeting with married couples say `i sometimes have to smack my children a bit, but never in the face so as to not humiliate beautiful!
he knows the sense of dignity!
he has to punish them but does it justly and moves on.
After the beating, my parents would hug me and say they loved me.
Oh, yes - similar to the old lie " It is hurting me more than it is hurting you", said as he administers a flogging.
I regret to have to say that I am very familiar with that one!
yes, i'm not kidding!.
this gem was stated today in the talk!
(shortly before i walked out).
Further extension of the story they used to tell "that "Christendom has been reading the Bible for centuries, and it hasn't done them much good!
the awake!
january 1 1989 contains the quote on page 12 "he was laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.
" this was later changed in the bound volume and on the cd library to "in our day.".